slpoa membership benefits
Voting RightsEach Property Owner or chosen designate has the right to vote on issues, elections, and business of SLPOA.
SLPOA Website & AdvertisingMembers have access to the website for information on the lake, summer events, contacts, etc
Closed Facebook Group PrivilegeAs a member, you have access to our Closed Facebook Group. Here you can post pictures of events, lost & found, sell, swap, and buy. This has also been a great tool for neighborhood watch.
Spring NewsletterAn annual newsletter is sent every spring and, as needed, to all residents of Sand Lake. This will also be available on the SLPOA webpage to members only.
positive lake communityThe SLPOA Board works to keep our lake healthy so all residents can enjoy our beautiful resource.
Lost, Found or for saleItems lost, found or for sale may be posted on the SLPOA Closed Facebook Group. If you do not use Facebook, don't worry, we will post it for you! Members can also email Leslie, to post items on the webpage. Members are encouraged to add identification information to equipment. Contact: Leslie
Member Only EventsSLPOA sponsored events are for paid SLPOA members only.
Goose Round-UpIn 2019, SLPOA Board hired a Goosebusters to collect and remove the geese on the lake. Twenty six geese, 6 adults and 20 minors were moved.
Lake Maintenance toolSLPOA members have use of the weed up-rooter at not cost. There is a $50 deposit. Contact Dowe Parsons for delivery and instructions.
Bi-Annual directoryThe SLPOA directory is published every two years. All residents are listed in the directory not just members.
contributions = healthy lakeAssociation expenses to assist with the goal of keeping the lake clean and healthy:
ClassifiedsItems for sale, to buy, swap, borrow and share may be posted on the Closed SLPOA Facebook Group. If you do not use Facebook, don't worry, we will post it for you! Contact: Leslie